Evil Army Deserter

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This world is noxious, yet it’s the best among all other ones
So inobnoxious we are when getting rid of all the cunts
Like fanatics they go and rid of us when it is time
And then all we swap places with each other

Looking in the face of my anger
Looking in the eyes of my fear
Here or there, I’ll be loud and clear
“Fuck you!” this is all you will hear

I’ve voluntarily left the graceful troops of the army of evil
I’ve had enough and now I’m just a runaway from this army of evil

And if you just don’t, don’t want to go all insane
Before it’s too late you gotta just run away
I have no anger, I have no fear
“Fuck you!” this is all you will hear

So accustomed to being divided into good and bad
But there’s plenty of both among us and it makes me sad
Full of beans we fight for ours and against them all
And then all we swap places with each other

Looking in the face of my anger
Looking in the eyes of my fear
Here or there, I’ll be loud and clear
“Fuck you!” this is all you will hear

I’ve voluntarily left the graceful troops of the army of evil
I’ve had enough and now I’m just a runaway from this army of evil

And if you just don’t, don’t want to go all insane
Before it’s too late you gotta just run away
I have no anger, I have no fear
“Fuck you!” this is all you will hear

Если у кого-то есть какие-либо дополнения, замечания, поправки, материалы или концертные даты не указанные на сайте, которыми у вас есть возможность и желание поделиться, пожалуйста, присылайте на почту tarafany@gmail.com

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